Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Everything you need to know about the health of modern woman. Abortion: decision, facts, myths. The set is a combination of two medicines especially used for medical abortion (termination of pregnancy) Abortion is the removal embryo or fetus from the uterus. The expulsion of a fetus or embryo before the 26th week of gestational age (the age of pregnancy) is commonly known as a miscarriage. Abortion Services http, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae.
Induced abortion is the removal embryo or fetus, usually by surgical or medication method. The number of induced abortions performed worldwide every year is approximately 46 million. 26 million abortions occur in places where abortion is legal, the other 20 million happen where any abortion procedure is illegal. Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Medical Abortion Pills
Medical Abortion is a safe, pain free and effective way to end an early pregnancy by using medicine. The combination of the two medicines will cause you to bleed and in most cases end the pregnancy at home.
What is the medical abortion? Abortion Services in Dubai Uae.
The medical abortion is a way to end pregnancy without using instruments or surgery. It’s done with medicine from one week – 26 weeks, Why do some women prefer the medical abortion? Abortion Services in Dubai Uae.
No anesthesia or surgery required
It can be done very early in the pregnancy
They feel more in control
They may feel it is less invasive
More natural
They may feel it’s more like a miscarriage
It’s more private
They have the abortion at home
Frequently Asked Questions
How safe is abortion?

Very safe. Our doctors have years of experience specializing in abortion care. It’s unusual to have even minor problems.
When can I go back to work?
Most women return to their usual activities the next day. You will need to avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for 2 weeks.
How do I know whether to choose a surgical abortion or abortion by Pills?
Abortion Pills must be done very early in the pregnancy, under 26 weeks from the first day of your last period. It is more involved than a surgical procedure and may require more than one follow-up visit. Some women like the idea of using medicine rather than instruments for the abortion. A surgical abortion is more efficient than a pill because everything is usually completed in one visit.
Private Abortion Services in Dubai Uae
We understand that many women want a totally private and expedited abortion experience.
Our Private VIP Abortion Service offers the ultimate in privacy, efficiency and discretion. For an additional fee you will have exclusive use of the facility. You will be the only patient in the clinic and you will have the full staff including the Gynaecologist, Anaesthesiologist, registered nurse, and counsellor for your care, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae.
Your guest will be with you at all times until you go to sleep for the abortion and will join you for aftercare in the recovery room. The whole process should take under 2 hours.
After Abortion Care
Recovery After Abortion
Most women experience off and on cramping for about a week after an abortion. Take ibuprofen and paracetamol to control pain if necessary. You can buy these over-the-counter pain medicines from a pharmacy, supermarket and other shops without a prescription. Please remember that there are 2 strengths of ibuprofen tablets. Always read the patient information leaflet that comes with these medicines, and take them as directed. You can take paracetamol and ibuprofen together if the recommended dose of either medicine alone is not controlling your pain. If these medicines are not controlling your pain please call the clinic. Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae, Abortion Services in Dubai Uae.
After an abortion most women feel relieved, but some may also feel sad or guilty. It is a good idea to have someone with you afterwards so if you do need support, you have someone you know and trust to help you along. If you feel you need to talk to someone, you can call us to make an appointment for post-abortion counselling. This is a free service for women who have had treatment at our Abortion Clinics
To reduce the risk of infection we advise against having sex for 1-2 weeks, but if this is not possible then a condom must be used to avoid infection. Fertility returns almost immediately after an abortion, so its important to use contraception if you do not want to get pregnant.
You can take a bath or shower as normal. Take care if you have a bath in the 24 hours following a general anaesthetic, you will need to make sure someone is around to keep an eye on you, in case you are still feeling drowsy. Most women will be fit and well enough to return to normal activities within a day or two. Our best advice is to rest until you feel able to return to your normal routine. Abortion Services in Dubai Uae
Your next period
Your next menstrual period will begin 4-6 weeks after your treatment. If you have not had a period 4 weeks after your treatment, you should do a pregnancy test. If it is positive ring the clinic or Aftercare Line. It’s important to remember that any bleeding immediately after your treatment is not a period.